Lifetime Members
The Board, by a 2/3 majority, may vote to honor a member with a Life Membership.
To be selected, a member must meet the following criteria:
1. Be a member in good standing for 25 years.
2. Demonstrate outstanding participation by attending PDCA National meetings, Quality Breeding, Exhibition in varying venues or other activity for the good of the Breed and Club.
3. Have three letters of recommendation submitted to the Board from PDCA club membership.
Award Year - Name
2024- Kathy Madison 2023 - Garry Williams
2022 - Michael Anderson
2022 - Michelle Anderson
2022 - Jason Huff
2022 - Donna Manha
2021 - Nancy McCorkle
2021 - Carol Anne Giles
2019-Patt Kolesar Stoltz
2018-Jim Tomsic
2018-Cindy Tomsic
2017-Helen Gale
2016-Blanche Roberts
2015-Maryanne Johnson
2014-Del Richards
2014-Donnelle Richards
2013-Linda Rowell
2013-John Rowell
2010-Polly J. Lamarine
2010-Tommie F. Yawn
Congratulations to Kathy Madison for being awarded Life Membership on Saturday, September 7, 2024 at the Annual Awards Dinner.
Kathy has served the Club in many capacities, especially as Show Chairman three times and excelled in quality breeding and exhibition.
Award Year - Name
2009-Doris Aldrich
2009-Dr. Christine Dresser DVM
2009-Janet McLaughlin
2009-Jan Plott
2007-Bob Anderson
2007-Jean Anderson
2007-Mary Ann Hall
2007-Norma Harper
2007-Winston Harper
2007-Betty Weston
2006-Lorene Vickers-Smith
2004-Charlotte Patterson
2000-Margery Shriver
1987-Dr. Nancy Riser
1981-Joan L. Perry
1981-Ann White

Hall of Fame Members
The board may recommend only one (1) member to be inducted into the Hall of Fame annually. This recommendation may be for an individual member or for a couple provided that both have met the criteria for nomination.
1. To nominate a member to the Hall of Fame requires that three (3) PDCA members submit letters of recommendation to the Board.
2. To be selected, a member must also meet the following criteria:
Has been a member in good standing for 25 consecutive years.
Demonstrate outstanding participation in the club activities, breeding, showing or other activity-for the good of the club and breed.
3. Deceased members may be nominated provided they meet the criteria listed above.
The Board will make a recommendation to the membership on any qualified person nominated. The membership will vote on qualified nominees at the Annual meeting.
Ralph G. "Buddy" Adair
Doris Aldrich
Barbara Braley
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Cassler
Jimmy Cavallaro
Mrs. Filomena Doherty
Mr. Leslie Elbourn
Jane Fahey
Mary Ann Hall
Alan Harper
Norma Harper
Winston Harper
Romola Hicks
Anitra Hutchinson
Jane Lamarine
Charlotte Patterson
Edward Patterson
Hattie Perry
Joan Perry
Roger Perry
Mary Shipman Pickhardt
Helen M. Pittinger
Ronnie Plott
Dr. Nancy Riser
Patricia Scully
Margery Shriver
Sue Wall
Betty Weston
Tommie F Yawn
Shirley Thomas

Good Sportsmanship Award
Each year, the Pug Dog Club of America membership recognizes a member who has been particularly outstanding in their service to the breed.
Exactly who are these people?
These members are the ones who are always there to offer a helping hand and have a good word to say.
They are the ones who work with dedication in their local and national clubs.
They are the ones who are first in line with an offer to help when something needs to be done.
They are the ones serving on committees.
They are the ones tirelessly working in the unending job of Pug rescue.
They are the ones helping to educate and make the new person feel welcome.
They are the ones who spend hours on the phone and/or computer educating people about Pugs.
They are the ones you find discussing and comparing the particulars of the breed standard at ringside or in a breeders’ seminar.
They are the ones working to improve and produce beautiful healthy Pugs.
They are the ones who are up in the middle of the night helping to whelp a litter of puppies.
They are the ones tucking a nervous dam into a warm bed when she is visiting a strange house.
They are the ones you will see with a special Pug curled up in their arms.
Bob Anderson
Jean Anderson
Brenda Belmonte
Maribeth Brakville
Dr. Chris Dresser, DVM
Donald Foral
Mary Ann Hall
Chris Hedrick
Patt Kolesar
Ray Kolesar
Donna Manha
Nancy McCorkle
Janet McLaughlin
Jerry Ortel
Mary Ortel
Charlotte Patterson
Edward Patterson
Joan Perry
Ronnie Plott
Nancy Riser
Donnelle Richards
Blanche Roberts
Pat Scully
Kay Sisson
Cindy Tomsic
Betty Weston
Ann White