PDCA 2025 National Specialty

Booking Code is PDC. Please use booking code PDC if you call the hotel for reservations


Click here to go to Holiday Inn’s website

One night deposit is required at time of reservation.  Deposit is refundable if room is cancelled two weeks before the booking cut off date.

Committee List (see below for more details)

Schedule of Events and Judging Info (more to come soon):

Monday October 6th, 2025

Agility : Offsite

Morning Sweepstakes Judge: Michelle Anderson 

Afternoon Sweepstakes Judge: Polly Lamarine 

Tuesday October 7th, 2025

Regional 1 Judge: Ms. Patti Kolesar 

Wednesday October 8th, 2025

Regional 2 Judge: Ms. Cynthia Cool

Thursday, Friday, Saturday October 9th-11th, 2025

Thursday Sweeps: Mr. Esteban Farias

PDCA National Judge: Mr. Michael Faulkner

Committee List:

Committee/ Assignment


National and Regional Show Chair Karen Burgess

National Specialty Advisor Janet McLaughlin

Agility Chair Laurie Kirkpatrick

Obedience Chair Paul Lampkin

Rally Chair Jeanne Lampkin


PDCA National Specialty Conformation Judge Michael Faulkner

PDCA Regional Specialty Conformation Judge #1 Patti Kolesar Stoltz

PDCA Regional Specialty Conformation Judge #2 Cynthia Cool

PDCA National Specialty Sweeps Judge Esteban Farias

PDCA Regional Specialty Sweeps Judge #1 Michele Anderson

PDCA Regional Specialty Sweeps Judge #2 Polly Lamarine

PDCA National 4-6 Month Puppy Michael Faulkner

PDCA Regional 4-6 Month Puppy #1 Jane Blackerby Boatman

PDCA Regional 4-6 Month Puppy #2 Myles Preston

National Junior Showmanship Judge Michael Faulkner

Regional Junior Showmanship Judge #1 Kelley Ruffoni

Regional Junior Showmanship Judge #2 Cynthia Cool

National Obedience Judge: TBD

National Rally Judge: TBD

Regional Obedience Judge: TBD

Regional Rally Judge: TBD

PDCA Agility Trial Judge: TBD


Audio Visual Coordinator Amanda & Dan DePrins

Annual Awards Dinner Emily Thiel, Candace Fernandez, Susan Koehler

Annual Awards Dinner Centerpieces Brittny Keating

Announcer Jo Ann Stone

Apparel-Club On Site Distributor TBD

Awards/Showcase Booklet TBD

Catalog Advertising Sales Brandi Lewis and Irina Gefelbeyn

Catalog Advertising Layout Brandi Lewis and Irina Gefelbeyn

Catalog Sales Janet McLaughlin, Helen Gale

Catalog Marked TBD

Grounds Margaret Regan

Health Seminar Blanca Clothier

Judges Education Seminar Patti Kolesar Stoltz

Judges Hospitality Ringside and Hotel Room Jan O’Grady

Jr Showmanship Raffle Kelley Ruffoni

Logo: TBD

Mentors Education H. Michael Anderson

Morning Hospitality Phil and Kathy Madison

Obedience & Rally Rent a Chair Margaret Regan ?

PDCA Health Fund Raffle, Ticket Sales TBD

PDCA General Fund Raffle Judith Pepin

Photo OP Susan Davis, Emily Thiel ?

Pre-Showcase Reception Candace Fernandez

Public Relations/Marketing Marie Manning

Reserved Seating Fund Raiser Sarah Ayers

Ribbons Joseph Cole

Ring Steward-Regional and National Chief Steward Karen Burgess, Asst Maureen Esposito

Ring Outside Steward-Regional and National Lynne Keyes

Roommate Coordinator Rebecca Harrison

RV Parking Robert Gravel

RV Reservations Denise Austin

Ring Setup and Cleanup Margaret Regan

Show Building Cleanup TBD

Show Photographer Kris Johnson

Showcase Joseph Cole

Showcase Announcer Kim Langlangs

Showcase Invitations & Rosettes Donna Manha

Tote Board posting TBD

Trophy Sponsorship Robert Gravel

Trophies Stacy Leadbetter

Vendors Chair Sarah Gilreath

Welcome Bags Karen Grueninger

Welcome Party Sarah Ayers

Welcome Table TBD