Pug Dog Club of America’s History
History, Timeline, and Facts:
According to the American Kennel Club: “The Pug Dog Club of America became a member of that body in 1931 and held its first show with Morris and Essex K. C., in 1937”
1950: New York City: A handful of dedicated “Pug People” got together and picked up the pieces of a broken-down Club. Exact date unknown.
1957: The first documented National Specialty Show was held in New York City
Until 1966, all of the Specialties were held in New York City. That year a second Specialty was held in September with the Westchester Kennel Club. This was the last year that the Specialty was held in NYC. However, the Annual Meeting, Annual Awards and Board meeting continued to be held in February in NYC.
In 1967, balloting of the membership took place to determine future location of the Specialty. The vote was in favor of holding it on a Friday in conjunction with two all-breed shows on Saturday and Sunday.
Futurities: 1967 – 1970
In 1969, the first Annual Meeting took place in conjunction with the National Specialty
1971- 1973: Sweepstakes replaced the Futurity but was held with various Regional Club Specialties
Novice and Open Obedience Classes began being offered at our 1971 Specialty. In 1976, Utility Classes were added to our Trials
1974: Sweepstakes classes offered in conjunction with the National Specialty
National Specialty Locations:
1970 - 1977: Allentown, PA
1978 - 1988: Reading, PA
1989 – 1992: Allentown, PA
1993 – First Rotating National Specialty
2004 – Agility Trials offered during our National Specialty “week”
2005 – Rally Trials offered during our National Specialty
Excerpts from: “History of the Pug Dog Club of America, Inc” 1950 – 1976
Some very important and successful organizations have been formed by a group of people gathered in a dark, smoke-filled room. Should this Club be different? Yes! It was in a plush hotel room in New York City that a handful of dedicated “Pug People” got together and picked up the pieces of a broken-down Club. The records are sketchy, so the actual date is unknown.
The only record is a financial statement, dated November 17, 1953. The first entry says “Cash on Hand”, February 10, 1950 - $286.33.
The first meeting with dated minutes took place December 10, 1954 in the Penn-Sherwood Hotel in Philadelphia with 11 members and 2 guests present. The Treasurer reported assets amounting to $422.07.
The date of future meetings was set for the day before the Westminster Show, hoping to make it more suitable for the out-of-town members to attend.
According to our Records, the first National Specialty was held in New York City, on February 10, 1957. The total entry was 59 pugs, judged by Mrs. Dorothy Wagstaff. Unfortunately, many of these early catalogs are not available in our historical files.
Photo Credit: Carla Rose